Source code for materials.variation_with_state

"""Classes for represernting the variaton of material properties with state."""

import copy
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate
import asteval

def _create_interp_arrays_from_yaml_table_2d(yaml_dict, state_vars, state_vars_interp_scales):
    Create 2d interpolation arrays for `griddata` from a YAML dict.

        yaml_dict (dict): variation with state subdictionary extracted from a YAML file.
        state_vars (list of string): State variable names.
        state_vars_interp_scales (list of string): Interpolation scale for each state \
            variable. Should be 'log' or 'linear'.

        ndarray: interpolation points.
        ndarray: interpolation values.

    if len(state_vars) != 2:
        raise ValueError()
    # TODO there has got to be a less awful way to represent a 2+ dimensional
    # interpolation table in YAML and load it.
    interp_points = np.empty((0, 2))
    interp_values = np.array([])
    tbl_dict = yaml_dict[state_vars[0]]
    interp_points_0 = np.array(list(tbl_dict.keys()))
    interp_points_1 = np.array(
        [tbl_dict[p0][state_vars[1]] for p0 in interp_points_0])
    # From the yaml dictionary 2d table, build an array compatible with
    # scipy.interpolate.griddata
    for i in range(len(interp_points_0)):
        # The value of the 0th state variable for this slice of the interpolation table.
        point_0 = interp_points_0[i]
        interp_points = np.append(
                    np.full_like(interp_points_1[i], point_0, dtype=np.double),
        interp_values = np.append(interp_values, tbl_dict[point_0]['values'])
    for j in range(2):
        if state_vars_interp_scales[j] == 'log':
            interp_points[:, j] = np.log(interp_points[:, j])

    return interp_points, interp_values

def _create_interp_arrays_from_yaml_table(yaml_dict, state_vars, state_vars_interp_scales):
    Create 1d or 2d interpolation arrays for `griddata` from a YAML dict.

        yaml_dict (dict): property dictionary extracted from a YAML file.
        state_vars (list of string): State variable names.
        state_vars_interp_scales (list of string): Interpolation scale for each state
            variable. Should be 'log' or 'linear'.
        ndarray: interpolation points.
        ndarray: interpolation values.

    if len(state_vars) == 1:
        interp_points = np.array(
        interp_values = np.array(
        if state_vars_interp_scales[0] == 'log':
            interp_points = np.log(interp_points)
    elif len(state_vars) == 2:
        interp_points, interp_values = _create_interp_arrays_from_yaml_table_2d(
            yaml_dict, state_vars, state_vars_interp_scales)
        raise NotImplementedError('More than two state variables not supported.')

    return interp_points, interp_values

[docs]class VariationWithState: """ A model of a material property's variation with state. Arguments: representation (string): Description of how the data is represented, e.g. "table". state_vars (list of string): Names of the state variables. state_vars_units (dict of string): Units of measure for each state variable. value_type (string): Is the stored value a multiplier on the default value, or does it override the default value? reference (string): Bibtex tag for the source of the data. """ def __init__(self, representation, state_vars, state_vars_units, value_type, reference): self.representation = representation self.state_vars = state_vars self.state_vars_units = state_vars_units for sv in self.state_vars: if not sv in self.state_vars_units: raise ValueError('No units given for {:s}'.format(sv)) allowed_value_types = ['multiplier', 'override'] if value_type not in allowed_value_types: raise ValueError( 'value_type "{:s}" is not allowed.\n'.format(value_type) + 'Allowed value_types are {}'.format(allowed_value_types)) self.value_type = value_type self.reference = reference
[docs] def query_value(self, state): """Query the variation with state model at a particular state.""" pass
[docs] def get_state_domain(self): """Get the domain over which the variation with state model is valid.""" pass
[docs] def is_state_in_domain(self, state): """ Check that the state is within the valid domain. Returns: bool: True if `state` is in the valid domain for the model. """ # Check that all the state variables have been provided in `state`. for var_name in self.state_vars: if var_name not in state.keys(): raise ValueError('{:s} not provided for query'.format(var_name)) state_domain = self.get_state_domain() # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return for state_name in state: value = state[state_name] smin = state_domain[state_name][0] smax = state_domain[state_name][1] if np.any(value < smin) or np.any(value > smax): return False return True
def __str__(self): state_var_str = ', '.join(self.state_vars) domain_str_list = [] domain = self.get_state_domain() # pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return for name in self.state_vars: domain_str_list.append( '{:.4g} to {:.4g} {:s}'.format( domain[name][0], domain[name][1], self.state_vars_units[name])) domain_str = ', '.join(domain_str_list) return 'Variation with {:s} over {:s}, represented as a {:s}. [Data from {:s}]'.format( state_var_str, domain_str, self.representation, self.reference)
[docs]class VariationWithStateTable(VariationWithState): """A material property's variation with state, represented as a table.""" def __init__(self, state_vars, state_vars_units, value_type, reference, interp_points, interp_values, state_vars_interp_scales): VariationWithState.__init__(self, 'table', state_vars, state_vars_units, value_type, reference) self._interp_points = interp_points self._interp_values = interp_values self._state_vars_interp_scales = state_vars_interp_scales
[docs] def query_value(self, state, method='linear', fill_value=np.nan, rescale=True): """ Query the value of the property at a particular state. Arguments: state (dict): The state at which to query the values. It must have a key for each variable name in `self.state_vars`. `state[s1]` specifies the query point for state variable `s1`. The query point for each state may be an array or a scalar. e.g.\n \t`state={'s1': 0, 's2': 1}`\n \t`state={'s1': 0, 's2': [1, 2, 3]}`\n \tand\n \t`state={'s1': [5, 6, 7], 's2': [1, 2, 3]}`\n are all valid. `method`, `fill_value`, and `rescale`: are passed through to `scipy.interpolate.griddata`. Returns: scalar or array: value(s) of the property at the provided state(s). """ # Check that all the state variables have been provided in `state`. for var_name in self.state_vars: if var_name not in state.keys(): raise ValueError('{:s} not provided for query'.format(var_name)) # Copy the state argument - we might need to mutate it. state = copy.deepcopy(state) # Form an array of points at which to query the interpolation. is_state_scalar = True if len(self.state_vars) == 1: query_points = np.array(state[self.state_vars[0]]) if np.ndim(query_points) > 0: is_state_scalar = False if self._state_vars_interp_scales[0] == 'log': query_points = np.log(query_points) elif len(self.state_vars) == 2: # Handle cases with 1 array and 1 scalar state # by using `np.full_like` to convert the scalar state to an array if np.ndim(state[self.state_vars[0]]) > 0 \ and np.ndim(state[self.state_vars[1]]) == 0: state[self.state_vars[1]] = np.full_like( state[self.state_vars[0]], state[self.state_vars[1]]) if np.ndim(state[self.state_vars[0]]) == 0 \ and np.ndim(state[self.state_vars[1]]) > 0: state[self.state_vars[0]] = np.full_like( state[self.state_vars[1]], state[self.state_vars[0]]) # Handle case where both state queries are arrays # This is intentionally *not* an `elif` - the above cases should # flow into this. if np.ndim(state[self.state_vars[0]]) > 0 \ and np.ndim(state[self.state_vars[1]]) > 0: if len(state[self.state_vars[0]]) != len(state[self.state_vars[1]]): raise ValueError('Query arrays must be of equal length for each state.') is_state_scalar = False query_points = np.stack( (state[self.state_vars[0]], state[self.state_vars[1]]), axis=1) # Handle case where both state queries are scalars else: query_points = np.array([[state[self.state_vars[0]], state[self.state_vars[1]]]]) # If one of the state variables is interpolated on a log scale, # take its log in the query. for j in range(len(self.state_vars)): if self._state_vars_interp_scales[j] == 'log': query_points[:, j] = np.log(query_points[:, j]) values = scipy.interpolate.griddata(self._interp_points, self._interp_values, query_points, method=method, fill_value=fill_value, rescale=rescale) if is_state_scalar and np.ndim(values) > 0: return values[0] return values
[docs] def get_state_domain(self): """ Get the domain over which the property's variation with state model is valid. Returns: dict: each key is the name of a state variable. Values are tuples `(smin, smax)` where `smin` is the minimum bound of the valid domain in that state variable and `smax` is the maximum bound. The units of `smin` and `smax` are given by `state_vars_units[key]`. """ if len(self.state_vars) == 1: # Assumes interpolation points are in ascending order. smin = self._interp_points[0] smax = self._interp_points[-1] if self._state_vars_interp_scales[0] == 'log': smin = np.exp(smin) smax = np.exp(smax) result = {self.state_vars[0]: (smin, smax)} elif len(self.state_vars) == 2: result = {} for j in range(2): # Assumes interpolation points are in ascending order. smin = self._interp_points[0, j] smax = self._interp_points[-1, j] if self._state_vars_interp_scales[j] == 'log': smin = np.exp(smin) smax = np.exp(smax) result[self.state_vars[j]] = (smin, smax) return result
[docs]class VariationWithStateEquation(VariationWithState): """ A material property's variation with state, represented as an equation. Arguments: state_vars (list of string): Names of the state variables. state_vars_units (dict of string): Units of measure for each state variable. value_type (string): Is the stored value a multiplier on the default value, or does it override the default? reference (string): Bibtex tag for the source of the data. expression (string): A mathematical expression for the value of the property as a function of the state variables. This should be a string containing python math operators, the state variable names, and \'math\' functions, e.g.\n \t\'value = 1.23 * temperature + 4.5 * temperature**2\' or \n \t\'value = 5.6 * exp(7.8 / temperature)\'\n When evaluated, this expression gives the value of the property. state_domain (dict): each key is the name of a state variable. Values are tuples \'(smin, smax)\' where \'smin\' is the minimum bound of the valid domain in that state variable and \'smax\' is the maximum bound. """ def __init__(self, state_vars, state_vars_units, value_type, reference, expression, state_domain): VariationWithState.__init__(self, 'equation', state_vars, state_vars_units, value_type, reference) # Create an asteval Procedure which evaluates the `expression` if 'value' not in expression: raise ValueError('`expression` must set value equal to a function of the state varaibles.') aeval = asteval.Interpreter() args_str = ', '.join(state_vars) func_str = 'def f({:s}):\n {:s}\n return value'.format(args_str, expression) aeval(func_str) self.procedure = aeval('f') # Check that `state_domain` provides a valid domain for each state. for name in state_vars: if name not in state_domain: raise ValueError('The provided `state_domain` dict does not' + ' have a domain for state {:s}'.format(name)) self.state_domain = state_domain
[docs] def query_value(self, state): """ Query the value of the property at a particular state. Arguments: state (dict): The state at which to query the values. It must have a key for each variable name in `self.state_vars`. `state[s1]` specifies the query point for state variable `s1`. The query point for each state may be an array or a scalar. e.g.\n \t`state={'s1': 0, 's2': 1}`\n \t`state={'s1': 0, 's2': np.array([1, 2, 3])}`\n \tand\n \t`state={'s1': np.array([5, 6, 7]), 's2': np.array([1, 2, 3])}`\n are all valid. Returns: scalar or array: value(s) of the property at the provided state(s). """ # Check that all the state variables have been provided in `state`. for var_name in self.state_vars: if var_name not in state.keys(): raise ValueError('{:s} not provided for query'.format(var_name)) if not self.is_state_in_domain(state): return np.nan result = self.procedure(**state) return result
[docs] def get_state_domain(self): """ Get the domain over which the property's variation with state model is valid. Returns: dict: each key is the name of a state variable. Values are tuples `(smin, smax)` where `smin` is the minimum bound of the valid domain in that state variable and `smax` is the maximum bound. The units of `smin` and `smax` are given by `state_vars_units[key]`. """ return self.state_domain
[docs]def build_from_yaml(yaml_dict): """Construct a variation with state object from a YAML-derived dictionary.""" state_vars = yaml_dict['state_vars'] state_vars_units = yaml_dict['state_vars_units'] value_type = yaml_dict['value_type'] reference = yaml_dict['reference'] if yaml_dict['representation'] == 'table': state_vars_interp_scales = yaml_dict.get( 'state_vars_interp_scales', ['linear'] * len(state_vars)) interp_points, interp_values = _create_interp_arrays_from_yaml_table( yaml_dict, state_vars, state_vars_interp_scales) return VariationWithStateTable( state_vars, state_vars_units, value_type, reference, interp_points, interp_values, state_vars_interp_scales) elif yaml_dict['representation'] == 'equation': expression = yaml_dict['expression'] state_domain = yaml_dict['state_domain'] return VariationWithStateEquation( state_vars, state_vars_units, value_type, reference, expression, state_domain) else: raise NotImplementedError('Representations other than table or equation are' + ' not yet supported.')